Almost Ready for our 7 Week Trip

Dianne and I are travelling with friends from New Norfolk this year, Russell and Gai. Looking forward to our trip north this year to escape the Tassie winter.

Lots of fine tuning of our new Rockwood Ultralite 5th wheeler for off grid camping including solar panels, installing an inverter and fitting a remote switch to operate from inside the van, as well as setting up the 120v inverter to operate an overhead fan and the supplied tv with a remote inverter as well. An isolator switch to control our 12v fridge. It is not needed for everyday use, however for time when stored undercover with the fridge turned off, disconnecting the batteries and then reconnecting unfortunately turns the fridge on, an easy way to flatten the batteries with no solar power inside its shed. These switches and the Victron BMV-712 monitor have been mounted on a small panel inside the van for easy access.

Making life easier with remote inverter controls, as well as a Victron battery monitor and 12v fridge isolator

A last minute fitment of a 240v microwave was made, mainly as we stumbled across one that fitted while still using the original surround

Panasonic microwave fits very well, inside original surround.

A trip to the weighbridge to make sure we are not overweight. Loaded up with food and firewood we are right on the limit, although the Iveco has been derated to drive on a car licence. We have 700kg to spare if the Iveco was rated for a light truck licence.

The Iveco 4330kg and the 5th wheeler axles 3590kg give us a grand total of 7920kg

A big driving day first up is planned, around 575km. An early departure from the Spirit of Tasmania terminal at Port Melbourne at 6.30am should get us well out of Melbourne for a quick stop for breakfast, followed by a few stops to see some silo art along the way should see us in Mildura mid to late afternoon

Our trip plans have only three definite destinations planned, the first is Midura for our travelling partners to catch up with family, a few days around Bundaberg and a few days south of Brisbane to catch up with my sister and her family. Lets hope the weather is kind to us.

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